Thursday, May 29, 2008

Noah's Diary

Dear Diary,

We did it! Thanks to Shelly and Abbey we busted the Coral Queen. But Uncle Bobby saved us from the gun. It was really cool. The person I thought was dead turned out to save my life! It ends up the guy who they thought was Uncle Bobby was some guy with his wallet and the reason we couldn't get the body was Uncle Bobby bribed the president or something to make the body stay in that country. He gave me and Abbey really cool things too. I got this pirate coin thing and Abbey got emerald earrings. But he was all mad because he used to catch great fish out here but you won't any more because people started dumping their "crapola" in the water. But he feels bad that he went 10 years with the whole family thinking he was dead. He also feels really bad about my grandmother and the fact that she is dead. But then when he leaves and school starts up again I am not that sad. This was a pretty exciting summer and both Rado and Thom came bach with gross wounds but they think my summer and Operation Royal Flush is a lot cooler. And Dad even got a check in the mail from The Florida Keys for $1,000. Apparently it is his reward for stopping an enviromental crime. My dad didn't know that I was the one who called in and told the coast guard but he got the money anyway. But Dusty black mailed the lawyers so all he is getting fined is $10,000. Dad's a bit mad about that but everything should be alright. And now that Dad is getting his Captains lisceces badge life should be pretty good. But then some guy comes around sayiny that our dad burned down the Coral Queen. So much for a calm school year. He says he has nothing to do with it but then who has? But Mom goes and defends Dad so I don't think they will be getting a divorce. PLus now the fish are hanging around Dusty's hole. How sweet is that?


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Backpack's Diary

Dear Diary,

So once this boy finished getting all the food dye out of me( then the empty bottles were put back in) I was slung on his back then he raced out of the restroom (I am pretty sure it was the ladies) and then a bunch of goons start chasing us. The kid ends up cornered and I am getting smashed against the railing of a boat. So now here I am smashed up against a boat rail. Oh no! One of them had a gun. If this boy gets shot the I am going to end up in the trash. (Which really stinks). Wait, the boy is turning around......... Oh no! Please don't jump. I take forever to dry out! Yet this boy is jumping anyway. Ow! stop swimming so fast boy! In case you haven't noticed you're shoulders move a lot when you swim fast and I am on your shoulders. He seems to be swimming towards a mini boat though. So that's okay Why is the boat drifting away. I am soaked here! Oh he is finally getting on the boat! Thank you! Oh no! (again, this is not my day) From what I understand the engine for the mini boat broke down! The engine is starting up again! Now it just broke down. Well, I doomed!!!!!!!!!! There is a guy that is wearing a Hawaiian shirt at the dock and from what I heard we don't want him to find out who we are. Well, who the kids are. Now the guy with the gun looks ready to shot. Ahhhhhhhhh! I am going in a dumpster soon! Wait some wierd guy is beating the guy with the gun up. Hey, I might live. Well, as much as a backpack can live. This might not be so bad.

Abbey's Backpack

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Frank(Food Dye)'s Diary

Dear Diary,

When I was on the shelves of the store I felt so stereotyped and board. All my bottle said was FUCHSIA FOOD DYE! Then a bunch of ingredients and stuff. And the bottle was so stuffy. I felt like I was stuck in that bottle and if someone were to open the bottle I would all come out at once. I was pretty tightly packed in there. I mean if you are going to travel around the country in and bottle you should let it be a little roomy. And there is nothing to do in there! So I was sitting on the shelf wanting to dye some icing to put on some cupcakes or a cake.I saw a boy and girl come down the aisle and they are talking about what color they want for Operation Royal Flush, whatever that is. Oh it must be some sort of poker cake or something. Well, I thought, I like Texas Hold 'em more but poker works! I prayed that they will choose me but then they pick up the bottle next to me. Dillon I think it was. Then the girl refers to the boy, the boy nods, then they grabbed me! Plus 32 other bottles and head to the register.

The next day half of the bottles went to a scary looking lady and half stayed with the boy. I was with the boy. I got stuck in a backpack for just over a day then I felt the backpack being lifted up and carried. Then a while later after a bumpy water ride. (At least that is what would I would call it. We went on this small floating bucket.)

Then the backpack opened and I found my self being pulled out. Ha I thought, they're choosing me. I felt so relieved to be going out of the bottle I had been trapped in for so long. Then I landed in a ceramic bowl. From the look of it that strange boy had just squeezed me out. Then he reached for something and yanked it. The I saw water coming and I thought this must some sort of amusement park. But then I went down a dark tube and realized this must be a toilet.

So now I am sitting in the septic tank of a floating bucket with a bruised ego. I thought I was always a pretty good color. I never have faded out. What did I do to deserve this?Then I see more and more fuchsia dye washed down and I feel a bit better.

Then suddenly I get sucked into a pipe and get squirted out into the world's biggest pool.

Now I am stuck here. Well, this stinks.

Frank (the fuchsia dye)

Paine's Dairy

Dear Diary,

I broke out! I got a gag order and now I am mad! After my interview with channel 10 the sheriff got pounded by Dusty Muleman so now I can't do any more interviews. The Miami Herald, channel 7 and the NPR are calling and wanting interviews but the sheriff says no. I think that this country was founded on free speech and that yet I don't have any. So I escape and come home. Noah and Abbey are thrilled but my wife I am not so sure of. And then during breakfast she tells me the Dusty was planning to drop all charges if I stop telling everybody he dumped the Coral Queen's sewage into the ocean and I got psychological counseling. Which means they would let me out bail or no bail. Plus there are two big criminals coming up to the jail today so they don't have room for me. Now since I escaped instead of them releasing me I am a escaped criminal. Now I am house arrest and I am wearing this stupid bracelet and I can't go more then 3 feet out side of the house. Then last night Abbey goes missing around 1:00 in the morning and the video tape is gone too. So I pry off the bracelet and we all go looking for abbey. We go straight to the Coral Queen but we couldn't find her. We were so sure she would be there. So we start to go home and then the car suddenly stops and Abbey is there with her thumb up. When we get back a sheriff shows up and I had to get my bracelet back on and now I am under house arrest again and I am so board.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Shelly's Diary

Dear Diary,

Lice is missing! Some kid came around asking for Lice to sign some testament thing then the next thing you know some bald gorilla looking a guy shows up asking for Lice. Then Lice won't tell me any thing that the goon said. Next morning Lice is gone and so is my car. They find my Jeep in Cutler Ridge. I spent $200 paying for bloodstains to be scrubbed off of my upholstery. So when I tell that kid all of this he jumps to the same conclusion I did. Lice is dead. Here four reasons I think he might be dead:

  1. He hasn't called and begged to come home(which is very unlike him)
  2. His local friends haven't haered from him
  3. The bald gorilla
  4. The blood stains on my Jeep

It makes sense because Lice was on Dusty's crew for years and if anything illegal happened Lice would probably know. As soon as the Noah kid shows up and asks him to sign a testament saying that Dusty is duping his sewage in to the water Dusty would know and since he doesn't want to get caught it would make sense for Dusty to make sure Lice wouldn't testify against him.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Abbey's Entry

Dear Diary,

Today Noah went to see Dad but they(the jail and my mom) won't let me see him too. I'm too young. But Dad thinks he is a political prisoner but he is just being foolish. He won't let Mom pay his bail and she is really upset. We are broke and it's all because my Dad doesn't have any self control. Dad is so weird he could get out of jail but he doesn't want to. He needs help. He always goes out of his way to help the environment and people. Which is good but he goes to the extremes and that doesn't work when the extremes will get you in jail(or close to it). At the very least it goes on your record. And Mom is really mad at him because he thinks of himself as a martyr but with no money we need Dad to go to work and Mom is thinking of a divorce. She has threatened to take me and Noah and go live a "normal life" some where else. Put she has her suitcase out and so I think she might be serious this time. And now Dad asked Noah to continue with his work against the Coral Queen and Noah might get in big trouble. Normally we have a system. I watch Mom and Noah watches Dad. And it works well but sometimes Noah needs help with Dad. But Noah has been doing things a bit like dad so right now I should be watching him too.
