Thursday, May 22, 2008

Abbey's Entry

Dear Diary,

Today Noah went to see Dad but they(the jail and my mom) won't let me see him too. I'm too young. But Dad thinks he is a political prisoner but he is just being foolish. He won't let Mom pay his bail and she is really upset. We are broke and it's all because my Dad doesn't have any self control. Dad is so weird he could get out of jail but he doesn't want to. He needs help. He always goes out of his way to help the environment and people. Which is good but he goes to the extremes and that doesn't work when the extremes will get you in jail(or close to it). At the very least it goes on your record. And Mom is really mad at him because he thinks of himself as a martyr but with no money we need Dad to go to work and Mom is thinking of a divorce. She has threatened to take me and Noah and go live a "normal life" some where else. Put she has her suitcase out and so I think she might be serious this time. And now Dad asked Noah to continue with his work against the Coral Queen and Noah might get in big trouble. Normally we have a system. I watch Mom and Noah watches Dad. And it works well but sometimes Noah needs help with Dad. But Noah has been doing things a bit like dad so right now I should be watching him too.
