Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Backpack's Diary

Dear Diary,

So once this boy finished getting all the food dye out of me( then the empty bottles were put back in) I was slung on his back then he raced out of the restroom (I am pretty sure it was the ladies) and then a bunch of goons start chasing us. The kid ends up cornered and I am getting smashed against the railing of a boat. So now here I am smashed up against a boat rail. Oh no! One of them had a gun. If this boy gets shot the I am going to end up in the trash. (Which really stinks). Wait, the boy is turning around......... Oh no! Please don't jump. I take forever to dry out! Yet this boy is jumping anyway. Ow! stop swimming so fast boy! In case you haven't noticed you're shoulders move a lot when you swim fast and I am on your shoulders. He seems to be swimming towards a mini boat though. So that's okay Why is the boat drifting away. I am soaked here! Oh he is finally getting on the boat! Thank you! Oh no! (again, this is not my day) From what I understand the engine for the mini boat broke down! The engine is starting up again! Now it just broke down. Well, I doomed!!!!!!!!!! There is a guy that is wearing a Hawaiian shirt at the dock and from what I heard we don't want him to find out who we are. Well, who the kids are. Now the guy with the gun looks ready to shot. Ahhhhhhhhh! I am going in a dumpster soon! Wait some wierd guy is beating the guy with the gun up. Hey, I might live. Well, as much as a backpack can live. This might not be so bad.

Abbey's Backpack